Letter to the Editor

Thanks from some new poultry farmers

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

To the Editor:

Our 8-year old daughter just completed her first year as a 4-H member. She showed poultry; seven chickens and one duck.

With just becoming "poultry farmers" three months ago, we were totally clueless about how to raise a chicken or a duck, let alone show them at the fair. As days turned into weeks and the cute little babies quickly outgrew their brooder box, than outgrew the horse stall, our coop was complete.

We would like to thank our poultry club leader, Jason Keeney, for personally coming out and answering our dozens of questions on handling and care.

Your patience is greatly appreciated.

Little did we know, our questions were only beginning ...

As we brought our birds to the fair, we found out, again, we were clueless on this whole 4-H thing. In a few hours, we were shown how to hold, bathe, groom and remove our birds from their cages.

Our many thanks to all the 4-H'ers and their parents for assisting us as virgin poultry handlers.

Most of all our thanks to Rodney and Brandy Lady and their daughters for being such a big help in showing us the way. We couldn't have done it without you.

We have to say coming to the fair as a patron and a 4-H'er are two totally different worlds. We may have just gotten our feet wet this year, but we had a great time and our daughter was successful receiving two grand champion ribbons for her duck and one grand reserve for showmanship on her pullets.

We look forward to many years of 4-H with all three of our children. Thanks again.

Kris and Angela Ladd
