Letter to the Editor

Delay roadside spraying program for brush

Thursday, August 11, 2016

To the Editor:

To Citizens of Putnam County:

Please request to delay funding for use of "custom herbicides" on our county roads by attending the Putnam County Council meeting at the Courthouse (Tuesday, Aug. 16) at 6:30 p.m. and/or contacting the Putnam County Commissioners and PCC members.

Vegetation management is essential for safety; however, there is growing awareness of the extreme, cumulative dangers of "custom herbicide" use those who profit fail to acknowledge. In light of increasing economic, ecological and ethical concerns about the overuse of herbicides and other toxins contaminating air, water and food creating a myriad of health challenges and beneficial insects/plants devastation, our community deserves reconsideration of this decision, and public conversation concerning the consequences.

Indiana ranks fourth from the bottom in environmental quality (www.idsews.com/article/2015/ 04/indiana-on-track-for-lowest-environmental-quality). IDEM's 303-d list of impaired waters for the EPA clearly indicates serious contamination by not only continued expansion of Hoosier livestock industry but by profit-driven abusive land usage/industrialized practices.

This program adds insult to injury on our county roads.

The Federal Highway Administration includes "cultivating desirable vegetation and re-vegetation" as an approved method of vegetation maintenance.

"To maintain brush control, the four-year spraying cycle will need to be repeated." Continuous reapplication is required. Herbicidal spray encourages tall weeds to grow in the vacuum. It's possible, beneficial, and more cost effective to encourage the growth of low growing, erosion preventing, native plants that wouldn't have to be mowed or poisoned.

I offer my wildfarming expertise and the wisdom of Constance Ferry (Hobbit Gardens/Fillmore) for implementation of a sustainable, restorative, plan for vegetation management of our county road's vegetation.

Why not?

Marian Patience Harvey
