PCPL considers parking lot improvements

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Director Grier Carson reported that he has received one quote on changes to the parking lot at the Putnam County Public Library and would be receiving two more in the future.

The quote from CECon, which included changing the flow of traffic, adding 16 to 18 spots as well as more landscaping and better lighting, came in at $147,000 and Director Carson said this was “not feasible.”

He suggested instead redoing the parking lines, improving drainage and paving the gravel lot to add 12 to 16 spaces.

Secretary Lisa McCoy, recalling her experience in the Splash Park project coordinated by the Civic League, suggested asking for material donations from local businesses.

“Regardless of the scope of the eventual project,” Director Carson said, “we’re committed to settling on a proposal by March and completing the construction sometime this summer.”

In other developments:

-- Claims: The board approved the claims at a total of $33,240.77.

-- Ellen Sedlack: President Allan Zerkel said, “We regret the passing of Ellen Sedlack,” who was a director of the library from 1972 to 2001. Director Carson added, “She continues serving the library,” referring to a request in her obituary that memorial gifts should be made the library in lieu of flowers.

-- LGBT: The library is working with DePauw University to bring LGBT speakers to the library. The library also offers a LGBT+ book club.

-- Tax materials: Tax materials are available in the circulation lobby.

-- Technology in the Classroom: The next “Technology in the Classroom” session will be Monday, Feb. 6 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

The next Putnam County Public Library Board meeting will be Feb. 15 at 6 p.m. in the Kiwanis Conference Room.

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