Town of Bainbridge to conduct income survey for grant

Thursday, September 3, 2020

BAINBRIDGE — The Town of Bainbridge is attempting to qualify for a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) through the Indiana Office of Community & Rural Affairs (IOCRA) and is currently seeking grant funding to complete a Water Improvements Construction Project with grant dollars.

In order to qualify for this grant, town officials and employees will be making phone calls as well as going door to door asking residents to complete an income survey regarding their household and the income of the household.

Anyone who is contacted has been randomly slected to participate in the survey. Town official appreciate their cooperation.

Anyone with questions about the survey process may contact grant administrator Kristy Jerrell at 812-878-0826.

The CDBG Program is a federally-funded grant program intended to benefit residents with various community development public assistance projects such as planning studies, improvements to community centers, fire stations, wastewater, water or stormwater, among other uses.

To receive the federally funded grant dollars, a special income survey must be completed.

Bainbridge is seeking a $700,000 grant to complete a water improvements construction project.

In total, the project will cost the town $1,150,000, with a $450,000 match from the town, which will include:

1. 2,100 line feet of 6-inch water mains by directional bore;

2. 120 line feet of 18-inch casing by jack and bore;

3. Two eight-inch gate valves;

4. One fire hydrant;

5. Two wet tap connections;

6. Installation of a new booster station with serve the northern part of the water system;

7. Wellfield and water treatment plant improvements, including sandblasting and painting new well platforms, rehabilitation of Well 3, back-up power and replacement of a high-service pump.

Once the income survey is complete and if the Town officially qualifies with the income survey, the Town will be applying to IOCRA on the following dates:

• Sept. 17: First public hearing

• Sept. 24: Proposal submitted to IOCRA

• Nov. 20: Final application to IOCRA

• Dec. 17: Grant awards announced

If awarded, construction is expected to begin in early summer of 2021.

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