Change the time, change the batteries

Thursday, March 11, 2021

With daylight savings time beginning on Sunday, the Indiana Department of Homeland Security and local fire departments are urging residents to replace the batteries in their smoke alarms when they change their clocks.

Properly installed and maintained smoke alarms provide the entire household an early warning of a fire. In fact, a home with properly placed and working smoke alarms doubles the likelihood of survival.

Help keep every loved one safe by learning how to install and maintain smoke alarms.

• Alarms should be replaced every eight to 10 years. Over time, their sensors become less sensitive.

• Smoke alarms should be tested every month to make sure the batteries are still working.

• In smoke alarms that use traditional batteries, batteries should be changed once a year to make sure the alarm will continue to work.

• Install smoke alarms on every level, in every sleeping area and outside every bedroom of the building.

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