It's not too late to Share Your Dream

Monday, June 7, 2010
Several 2010 Share the Dream participants gathered at the Community Foundation office to announce their participation. From left to right: Clinton Township Scholarship Endowment is represented by Larry Miller. Fillmore Alumni Scholarship Endowment is represented by Sharon Ellet. Putnam County Public Library is represented by Director Alice Greenburg. The Putnam County Community Foundation is represented by Executive Director, Elaine Peck.

GREENCASTLE -- The Putnam County Community Foundation's annual Share the Dream program is underway, but it's not too late to contribute to an endowment supporting your favorite cause.

Executive Director Elaine Peck reported that 26 endowments are participating so far this year.

"We are delighted to be a part of all these worthy causes," said Peck. "The program is designed to give people an opportunity to share their dreams with others. A little competition for the public good benefits everyone and allows many people to experience the fun of giving."

Share the Dream began May 1 and lasts until Aug. 31. Program winners will be announced in September. The Community Foundation is offering three awards to Share the Dream winners this year: $1,000 for the endowment that raises the most money during the Share the Dream Program; $500 for the endowment receiving the most contributions via the Community Foundation's website at; and $500 for the endowment that has the most first time donors.

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