Familiar faces and new tech at South Putnam school board

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

South Putnam School Board opened its meeting on Monday by swearing in members Wesley Hacker and David Bombei. After first one, then the other man stood and took the oath of office, the board went about nominating and electing officers for the next year.

The election for school board positions was not exactly a big change with Michael Rissler, Nancy Wells and Steve Cash reassuming their roles as president, vice president and secretary, respectively.

The board then voted to keep Becky Samsel as treasurer. John Zeiner will remain as the corporation attorney.

The board then passed a movement on board salary and benefits reestablishing board members' fiscal responsibility for their own benefits after a year of being a member of the board.

Next, the board's regular meeting time and date was set, once again, to be the third Monday of each month -- except those Mondays on which holidays lie.

The board then approved the monthly personnel report. Resigning were high school teachers Deanne Blankenship, Emily Karas and Nikki Osborn and high school varsity girls' track coach Brandon Welti. New hirings were Amanda Yftich -- high school Spanish teacher, Caitlynn McKinney -- high school English teacher, Anna Nickell -- high school English teacher, Lisa Rogers -- high school math teacher and Neil Rissler as Transportation Director.

During his report at the end of the meeting, superintendent Bruce Bernhardt gave the floor to corporation technology director Steve Ricketts. Ricketts gave a report on the progress of the online registration the school corporation has implemented, praising the program's success.

" We opened at seven this morning," said Ricketts "and by the end of the day -- the last time I looked -- we had 37 students." He then stated his high hopes for a continued pace of online registration.

"It's going to save a ton in that last minute rush when everybody tries to get it done in the last week before school," said Bernhardt of the program.

"We do a lot now through the fair and through this online process and a lot of that is due to Suzanne [Sullivan, Data Specialist] and her motivations to get out there."

Ricketts then gave a report of the renovations to the stage in the cafetorium.

"It gives a different kind of student other than athletes, who are into choir, drama or AV, experience with some of the new technology and gives them expereience with something that may even lead to a career path."

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