Cookie Time

Thursday, February 7, 2013

For everyone craving Girl Scout cookies, it won't be long now, 2,242 cases of cookies were distributed Wednesday at The Storehouse on Westlane Road as troop leaders from across northern Putnam County picked up cookies for their Scouts. Katie Barger, leader of Troop 1002, crams herself and cases of cookies into the back of Erin Caine's minivan to load up as David Collins helps her out. There are eight varieties of cookies to choose from: Thin Mints, Tagalongs, Trefoils, Do-Si-Dos, Samoas, Thank-U Berry Munch, Savannah Smiles and Dulce De Leche at $3.50 per box. Anyone who doesn't know a Girl Scout but would like to purchase cookies may contact Service Unit Manager Katrina Asher at 522-1571 or 765-376-5050 or via email at

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