Back-to-school efforts through Goodwill
(Letter to the Editor ~ 07/29/11)
To the Editor: As our children prepare to go back to school, parents have the opportunity to teach them a valuable life lesson: What to do with the things they no longer need. Before purchasing those much-needed sneakers, clothes and supplies, parents can take the time with their kids to sift through the things they've outgrown and decide whether they can be donated to Goodwill...
When all around you are texting their heads off...
(Column ~ 07/29/11)
Time marches on and all that. I know, I know ... it's inevitable. How you do your job may change over time. Heck, around here we've gone from standard typewriters to IBM Selectrics to Apple II SE computers to the latest and greatest Macs. Your children obviously grow older by the minute, and sometimes wiser, too. But some things never change. They still need your help on occasion. And, of course, you drop everything to assist...
Collins school completes review
(Local News ~ 07/29/11)
Dr. Joanne V. Collins Elementary-Jr./Sr. High School, the on-grounds school at ResCare Residential Program, successfully completed a Quality Assurance Review, QAR, conducted by AdvancED, NCA-CASI, on June 22-24. The QAR team, consisting of educators and peers familiar with residential programs and schools, will recommend to the AdvancED Accreditation Commission a full accreditation for the school. The Accreditation Commission will meet in October to make a final determination for accreditation...
Marches will be featured in Sunday's Brazil Band Concert
(Local News ~ 07/29/11)
BRAZIL -- The Brazil Concert Band, under the direction of Matthew S. Huber, will present "On the March in Forest Park" at 8 p.m. Sunday, rain or shine. The play list features seldom-heard yet outstanding marches such as "Hail to the Spirit of Liberty" and "Golden Jubilee" both by Sousa, Jewell's "Trooping of the Colors", the very British-sounding "Imperial Echoes" by Safroni and Fillmore's "Men of Florida."...
Restaurants have until Aug. 5 to sign up for Taste of Putnam County event
(Local News ~ 07/29/11)
The second annual Taste of Putnam County is scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 24 from 4-8 p.m. at the Dixie Chopper Business Center at the Putnam County Airport on Greencastle's East Side. Interested restaurants have until Aug. 5 to sign up for the event...
Fate, care package spawn fast friendship
(Local News ~ 07/29/11)
Imagine being halfway around the world, hunkered down in a war zone where Osama bin Laden feared to tread. Hot, tired, unable to get even a bad night's sleep. Then mail call comes, and with it are care packages from home. Parcels from people who truly care, stuffed with snacks and goodies and personal items. Even color comics from the Sunday paper...
The Milk Barn leaves its mark at the Putnam County Fair
(Local News ~ 07/29/11)
For many, the Putnam County Fair is as much about tradition as it is showing livestock and other various projects. Many of us can't go through a fair week without getting our Legionburgers. Another tradition for many is stopping by the Putnam County Farm Bureau Milk Barn, or to fair-goers, just simply the Milk Barn...
- GIVE ME A C-O-U-G-A-R-S (High School Sports ~ 07/29/11)
Bainbridge water project a tall order
(Local News ~ 07/29/11)
BAINBRIDGE -- It was a lot easier going up than coming down. Getting to the top of the Bainbridge water tower was hard enough. The hydraulic lift used by Phoenix Fabricators to scale the tower to the bottom of the tank couldn't get workers to the top of the tank about 140 feet up. ...
Stories from Friday, July 29, 2011
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