Bridges out of poverty
(Column ~ 08/13/12)
Professionals, business owners, bosses, educators, social workers and all caring citizens are all invited to attend a two day training called Bridges out of Poverty, which offers information and strategies for helping families and individuals who struggle with poverty and bridging the gap to find their way up and out of poverty...
Rash of U.S. 231 fatalities sparks change near school
(Local News ~ 08/13/12)
LINDEN -- Since 2003, Montgomery County has seen 25 fatalities occur on U.S. 231. "After every fatality," Indiana Department of Transportation Deputy Director Alan Plunkett said, "we look to see what we can do to make the road safer." After consulting with highway experts, INDOT officials determined that one safety precaution would be installation of a turn lane on 231 in front North Montgomery High School...
Father and child share special moments via prison event
(Local News ~ 08/13/12)
PUTNAMVILLE -- The Putnamville Correctional Facility (PCF) hosted a special Day with Dad recently for incarcerated fathers and their children. In the morning hours, 30 visitors filed through prison gates in anticipation of spending the day with dad...
Final concert of Greencastle Summer Music Festival to feature Duo Diez
(Local News ~ 08/13/12)
With 10 strings to play, guitarist Espen Jensen and violist Donna Lively Clark -- known as Duo Diez -- will share a rich and varied repertoire for their Wednesday, Aug. 15 performance at Gobin Memorial United Methodist Church in Greencastle. The final concert of the 2012 Greencastle Summer Music Festival will showcase music from Haiti, Cuba and Puerto Rico. The free concert begins at 7:30 p.m...
Going the Distance
(Community Sports ~ 08/13/12)
Three members of the Greencastle Running and Fitness Club competed in the Howl at the Moon Ultra Marathon at Kennekuk County Park in Danville, IL on Saturday. It is a timed Ultra Marathon, with partcipants running as many miles as they can in eight hours. From left, Mike Scott completed 43.77 miles, with Kathryn Dresbach completing 41.48 miles and Rebecka Howard logging 38.19 miles. All three runners placed in the top 5 in their respective division...
Billy Puterbaugh Jr. gives Fox Brothers sprint car win No. 100
(Community Sports ~ 08/13/12)
PUTNAMVILLE -- Saturday night was a special night for several race car drivers at Lincoln Park Speedway. A bit of redemption and perhaps a clean slate for those that found the winner's circle. Billy Puterbaugh Jr. stepped out of the family sprint car with an opportunity in the famed Fox Brothers No. 53 and made the chance a golden one with a pass of Jeff Bland Jr. to take the victory in the A-main. The win provided the Fox Brothers with their 100th career feature win as car owners...
Monroe County Humane Association to offer free vaccinations
(Local News ~ 08/13/12)
The MCHA will be offering free vaccinations to income qualified Monroe, Owen, Greene and Putnam County residents. Once approved, qualified individuals will pay just $5 for the office visit fee at either the PetsAlive Spay/Neuter Clinic located in Bloomington or the SPOT Spay/Neuter Clinic located in Cloverdale...
Songs of Faith to be featured at this week's ParkFest
(Local News ~ 08/13/12)
This week's edition of ParkFest will feature praise and worship songs. Songs of Faith night is set for Tuesday, beginning at 6:30 p.m. The concert will include songs from several Putnam County churches who will be taking turns leading the community congregation in gospel, praise and worship songs...
Softball goes to the dogs Sept. 14, 15
(Local News ~ 08/13/12)
A new softball tournament will be another tool in the fight to reopen the Putnam County Humane Shelter. The Going to the Dogs Backward Softball Coed Tournament is slated for Sept. 14 and 15 at Robe-Ann Park in Greencastle. The event will also feature a cornhole tournament, silent auction, 50-50 drawing, a home run derby and grilled food -- all with a goal of raising money to reopen the shelter...
Zaring House tour to raise funds for restoring Civil War monument
(Local News ~ 08/13/12)
Most have only passed by in amazement, gazing at the castle-like structure at the corner of Poplar and Vine streets in Greencastle. With its eyebrow window high on the rooftop, its jaunty eyeball window on the south façade, five windows in the turret sporting 128 panes and artful leaded glass windows in the lower story, few probably have ever noted the hidden entry door tucked away under the curved and pillared verandah...
Ramona Sue Detro
(Obituary ~ 08/13/12)
Ramona Sue Detro, age 66, of Greencastle, passed away on Sunday, Aug. 12, 2012 at St. Vincent Hospital in Indianapolis. Born Nov. 10, 1945 in Marion County, she was the daughter of William Herman and Lola Ruby (Taylor) Green and attended Washington High School in Indianapolis...
Stories from Monday, August 13, 2012
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