Mind Your Health 5K Run/Walk set for Friday at DePauw Nature Park
(Local News ~ 10/04/17)
The annual Mind Your Health 5K Run/Walk is set, rain or shine, Friday, Oct. 6, starting at 5:30 p.m. at the DePaus Nature Park Welcome Center. All community members are welcome and encouraged to race, run or just have a beautiful walk to help support a worthy cause...
Three Putnam schools post A's in 2016-17 IDOE School Accountability Grades
(Local News ~ 10/04/17)
The Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) Wednesday released the 2016-17 School Accountability Grades. Nearly 25 percent of schools improved one or more letter grades, with the total number of A-rated schools increasing by close to six percent. Overall, 62 percent of schools received an A or B...
BZA grants variances for Jones School project
(Local News ~ 10/04/17)
Approving four variance requests on the Jones School redevelopment project Tuesday night, the Greencastle Board of Zoning Appeals got a closer look at how the project is eventually expected to come together. The BZA unanimously approved variances to allow:...
Stories from Wednesday, October 4, 2017
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