Former Roachdale clerk charged

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Indiana State Police issued an arrest warrant Tuesday for the former Roachdale Clerk-Treasurer who is accused of stealing $3,720 from the town and misspending or losing nearly $50,000 in taxpayer money.

Jennifer L. Crum, 32, Roachdale, faces one felony theft charge for allegedly overpaying herself by $3,720 in 2006, according to a probable cause affidavit filed by State Police Sgt. Scott Stockton.

Crum repaid the town on Oct. 3 and resigned as Clerk-Treasurer on Oct. 4.

The criminal investigation came after a State Board of Accounts audit found missing and misspent funds totaling $49,337.40, most of them from penalties incurred from unpaid taxes and bills.

Crum was only insured for $20,000, the audit said.

The town stands to lose the rest of the unaccounted for money.

Stockton said Crum is only criminally liable for the $3,720 since negligence in public office is not a crime.

Authorities are working out the details of Crum's surrender to police with her attorney Jeffrey Boggess.

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  • ""The town stands to lose the rest of the unaccounted for money.""

    That's gonna sting.

    -- Posted by Xgamer on Wed, Dec 19, 2007, at 5:19 AM
  • Why is was Crum only insured/bonded for $20,000? I would think the clerk would have been bonded for at least the amount of cash receipts taken in monthly for water/gas/sewage bill. Our bill averages $100 a month. How many households are in Roachdale? Lets say there are 300 -- and the average bill is $100 a month...that is $300,000. The Board better look into increasing the amount of the bond.

    -- Posted by everyonediesfamousinasmalltown on Wed, Dec 19, 2007, at 7:02 PM

    300 WATER BILLS AT $ 100 EACH IS $ 30,000

    NOT $ 300,000 !!!

    -- Posted by GREG1018 on Wed, Dec 19, 2007, at 8:29 PM
  • Greg1018 -- Thanks for correcting my math error. But, I'm sure the town takes in more than $30,000 a month in town utilities.

    Do you know how many households are in R'dale?

    Typical, but it should be increased. I bet the $20,000 amount goes back to when the town was incorporated!

    -- Posted by everyonediesfamousinasmalltown on Thu, Dec 20, 2007, at 12:58 PM
  • Why are " Authorities are working out the details of Crum's surrender to police."

    Why can't they show up at her house and arrest her? Why the special treatment?

    -- Posted by everyonediesfamousinasmalltown on Thu, Dec 20, 2007, at 1:00 PM
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