Letter to the Editor

Young reader worried about national security

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

To the Editor:

As a young adult in our Greencastle community I grow ever more worried about our national security.

We depend far too much on the oil that we are getting from the Middle East. At any time we can be held hostage by foreign countries simply because our major fuel source comes from that area. We need to transition into more sustainable types of energy in order to shore up our national security.

For the first time ever the Pentagon has listed climate change as a threat to the U.S.'s prominence in the world in a report to Congress this year known as the Quadrennial Defense Review.

Our own CIA has even gone so far as to create the Center on Climate Change and National security in order to monitor the enormous risks that climate change poses.

The situation has only gotten worse and the time to act was yesterday. We have to cut the pipeline from the Middle East and reinvest in our economy, in ourselves, to create a safer future. Passing a comprehensive climate and clean energy bill is the only solution to our continually dismal dependency on Middle Eastern oil.

Ryan Jones
