Letter to the Editor

Reader appreciates support for animals

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

To the Editor:

I gratefully acknowledge the Weaver's "Hog wrestling event disturbing to couple" letter (Banner Graphic Aug. 12) following the front page photo of a distressed piglet being stuffed into a barrel at the local fair.

The popularity and condoning, of "Squealing, Mud-Slinging Fun" (Banner Graphic Aug. 2) reflects blatant disrespect and entitlement toward farmed animals.

Hogs give everything for us. A hog life is not allowed for those "protected" in Confined Animal Feeding Operations.

I also acknowledge Kande Ubelhour's "Neglected dogs in need of help." (Banner Graphic, Aug. 18). Rescuing animals, many of us experience the same frustration and lack of support.

Recently, I was paid $30 to "get rid of" two, hot, high bred, severely neglected, unvaccinated, intact dogs who live with us now.

Moondog and Sunny's ex-person says he will get another dog. Nothing to do about that!

There is strong resistance in this community to spaying and neutering, and equal resistance caring for the resultant overpopulation.

An English woman recently inspired outrage dumping a cat into a garbage can, a common method of disposing unwanted offspring locally.

Powerful lobbyists obstruct minimal measures like banning live bait dog training, strengthening anti-dog fighting laws, and assuring accountability from Indiana's notorious puppy mills and breeders.

2009 legislation, giving Indiana Board of Animal Health regulatory authority for livestock and poultry, puts responsibility for establishing standards not with farmers and consumers, but with those familiar with industry.

Foxes guarding the henhouse.

Indiana Farm Bureau spokesman Bob Kraft says: "We support this legislation so that what happened in Michigan will not happen in Indiana." (WattAgNet.com)

Michigan is phasing out veal crates, certain chicken cages, and gestation crates.

It is well documented that CAFO's are unsustainable and dangerous to the environment and health. Animals are meant to live outdoors. (www.indianacafowatch.com)

Surely, this reflects some sort of "moral blindness" toward the animals we eat, paralleling our behavior toward those we claim to love (Oliver Thomas. (USA TODAY, June 15, "What's the godly way to treat animals?").

Get informed. Awareness heals.

Then, ask those seeking election, and each other, how we will support, not frustrate, animal welfare and sustainable farming in our community.

It isn't radical, but essential, to voice concern.

Reverend Marian Patience Harvey, RN/BSN

Health Educator/Terminal Midwife
