Free no-till breakfast offered by area SWCD's and Purdue Extension
Putnam, Owen, Greene and Monroe County Soil and Water Conservation Districts are sponsoring a free No-Till Breakfast at Chambers Restaurant located in Spencer on Tuesday from 8 to 11:30 a.m. Purdue Extension Services will host a farmer panel/experts panel and Betsy Bower, agronomist of Ceres Solutions, will be the guest speaker. The focus will be on winter conservation cropping systems. This is a chance to learn more or have your questions answered by experts in the field. Private Applicator Recertification Program (PARP) credits will be available from Purdue University Extension. Please bring your pesticide license and $10, if you would like to receive PARP Credit. Please confirm your attendance by calling your local SWCD at 653-7454.
No-Till farming is a way of growing crops from year to year without disturbing the soil through tillage. It is an emergent agricultural technique, which can increase the amount of water in the soil and decrease erosion. It may also increase the amount and variety of beneficial life in and on the soil. As sustainable agriculture becomes more popular, monetary grants and awards are becoming readily available to farmers who practice conservation tillage. Will you be ready? Join us on Tuesday, Feb. 15 at Chambers Restaurant for a free breakfast and some Ag information to chew on.
Delights in Gardening
Mark your calendars for Saturday, February 26, 2011 for an exciting day of increasing your gardening knowledge, vendor shopping, fellowship, door prizes, and of course food. Our seminar is open to the public, so you don't have to be a master gardener to attend. You will benefit no matter whether you are a new gardener or have gardened for years. This year's speakers include: Edible and Medicinal plants -- Karen Staub; Scented Geraniums and Propagation -- Mark Davidson; Importance of Bees -- Lacy Dooley; Garden Ponds -- Terry Jefffers; Constructing Greenhouses -- Ann Delchambre. Registration after Feb. 14 is $40 for an individual and $70 per couple. The price includes lunch. Register now with Linda Lumsdon 1-812-442-5312 or email or Karen Martoglio 653-0460.
Upcoming Events
Feb. 14 -- Back to Basic Novice Guide to Farm Animals Goats and Sheep session series begins, 6 p.m.
Feb. 15 -- Winter No-Till Meeting, Spencer In. PARP credit available
Feb. 19 -- Putnam 4-H Beef Weigh-in, Fairgrounds
Feb. 21- Back to Basic Novice Guide to Farm Animals session on Cattle, 6 p.m.
Feb. 24 -- Program Planning meeting for Ext. Homemakers at Extension Office 7 p.m.
Feb. 26 -- Putnam County Master Gardener Advanced Training Seminar - Fairgrounds
Feb. 28 -- Extension Office Open House, 4-7 p.m.
Feb. 28 -- Back to Basic Novice Guide to Farm Animals session on Chickens , 6 p.m.
Mar. 1 -- Growing "Green" Vegetable Culture Class starts (PARP Credit Available) 9:30 a.m.
Mar. 7 -- Back to Basic Novice Guide to Farm Animals session on Horses, 6 p.m.
Mar. 10 -- Junior Leader Meeting, Fairgrounds, 7-8 p.m.
Mar. 12 -- Putnam County Ag Day Breakfast/Farmfest, Fairgrounds, 8 a.m. -- Noon
Mar. 14 -- Back to Basics: Novice Guide to Farm Animals session on Swine, 6 p.m.