Auditions set for 'Camelot' at PCP Sunday, Monday

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Putnam County Playhouse has scheduled two sets of auditions for the musical "Camelot."

The first session will be at 3 p.m. Sunday, June 12. The second session will be at 7 p.m. Monday, June 13. Both auditions will be in the Hazel Day Longden Theatre in Greencastle.

The cast includes the leading roles King Arthur, ruler of England and creator of the Round Table; Guinevere, his wife and inspiration; and Lancelot, the chivalrous knight with strong ideals.

Other roles include three named knights, who each have singing solos; King Pellinore, Arthur's ally; Merlin, the magician; Mordred, Arthur's son; and Tom of Warwick, a young man who seeks to be a knight.

There are some smaller roles also available for both males and females.

The ensemble will include men and women who sing several songs throughout the production. Those auditioning should be age 16 or over, with the exception of Tom, who is age 10-13.

Auditions will include singing a prepared song and reading from the script. Those seeking leading roles should prepare a song from the show. An accompanist will be provided.

Anyone who wishes to work on the production on the technical side should also attend auditions and fill out an audition form.

"Camelot" will be produced Aug. 11-13 and 17-20. It is being sponsored in part by First National Bank.

For more information, visit the Playhouse website at

"The Music Man" closes its run this weekend with all performances currently sold out. Persons may call the box office (653-5880) daily from 5-7 p.m. to check if any seats have become available.

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