Letter to the Editor

Tzouanakis ceremony hopefully start of tradition

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

To the Editor:

I would like to thank Tzouanakis Intermediate School Principal John Strube for orchestrating the 9/11 Commemorative Ceremony on Friday, Sept. 9 at the school.

The program included distinguished guests of local firefighters, police officers, EMTs, VFW members, National Guard and Boy Scouts.

The children were brought into the parking lot, facing the American flag at half-staff, and Mr. Strube gave an account of the tragic events that took place 10 years ago.

Most of the children were not born when the terrorist attack took place so this was an important lesson in history for them. Mr. Strube focused on the positive when he told the children that in the aftermath many people committed to make this world a safer place.

Children read poems about 9/11 and sang the "Star Spangled Banner."

Mr. Strube invited everyone to join in a moment of silence so that prayers could be offered for the victims and family members. The program concluded with everyone singing "God Bless America."

This was a wonderful way to give emphasis to an event that forever changed America. I commend Mr. Strube as he starts this new and meaningful tradition at Tzouanakis.

Lori Lewis
