Thanks for a successful Drug Take Back Event
To the Editor:
I would like to personally thank everyone who participated in the Greencastle Police Department's Drug Take Back Event V, held on Saturday, Sept. 29, 2012. I want to thank the Greencastle School Corporation for the use of the Greencastle High School and the parking lot for the event.
This four-hour event saw 47 vehicles utilize the site, collecting 15 boxes of medication. The Greencastle Police Department also had medications dropped off at the police department ahead of time prior to the event along with a residential facility turning in several expired or unused medications on Monday, Oct. 1.
In all, we collected 17 boxes of medication totaling 422 pounds. This past spring the four-hour collection period saw 51 vehicles and collected 195 pounds of medication.
In the state of Indiana approximately 52 law enforcement agencies participated in 81 drop-off site locations and collected 14,196 pounds or 7.1 tons of medication in the four-hour period.
I would like to thank the following people and businesses for their assistance with this event: Russ Hesler and Dan Green with the Greencastle School Corporation, S & W Feed Center for weighing the 17 boxes of medication and Mary Williams with her assistance in passing out flyers in the northern part of Putnam County.
This event continues to be needed and well supported by this community, and so I hope to continue to be a part of the Drug Take Back Day Program sponsored by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).
Thanks again for helping make Greencastle and Putnam County a safer place to live.
Chief Tom Sutherlin
Greencastle Police Department