Letter to the Editor

Time to take back our government

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

To the Editor:

It's about time to remove almost every person in Congress and those in power in Washington, D.C. I realize I may be indicating to get rid of a few innocent people, but the number is small and we need a change in the entire government.

I know this sounds radical. We have in power, at this moment in the U.S., a group that would have made the British before 1776 sound like something very conservative. Matter of fact, it sounds like something from Robin Hood, if I'm not mistaken, "Rob from the rich and give it to the poor."

Sound anything like the welfare state we are headed for? Sorry but our Congress doesn't remind me in any way of Robin Hood and his Merry Men. Especially when they make huge salaries and have their own health care coverage for a lifetime, when I, an average American citizen, have been paying into Social Security for 55 years and they want to hold my checks because they didn't handle my money wisely.

In the news several months back it stated that Rep. Boehner says "we need to meet on an agreement somewhere in the middle of the conflict so we can get on with business as usual."

I, for one, do not agree. I think we need to stand up for a balanced budget and cuts in spending where they should be cut. Not in what we already owe, but in what we spend foolishly.

I read daily where we send money to countries that are our enemies and do not respect us in any way. I don't know about you, but I've never been able to buy my way to friendship with an enemy.

Maybe somewhere in this group, congressmen can agree on something that will postpone what is going to happen to an economy, one that spends so much more than it takes in.

There needs to be a line drawn in the sand (Don't overspend). If I ran my home like the U.S. government is run, I would owe $5 million and be taking in $25,000 a year. Oh yea, I would have a credit card that says I can spend another $5 million any time I need it.

Let me ask you this: When will I get things in balance that way?

Oh yea, maybe if I extend the credit limit on my credit card to $8 million that will help.

Sorry, folks, I don't mean to insult your intelligence but this is the way our government is telling us we will reach an agreement. Get rid of them and get someone who can think clearly in their place.

I know I sound like I advocate the overthrow of our government, but what I really advocate is the taking back of our government from the Socialists that have been taking it from us over the past several years.

"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity."

To quote one more famous American, "Let's get 'er done."

Phillip V. Kirby

Average American Citizen
