Reelsville Block Party set for Saturday
Thursday, October 10, 2013
REELSVILLE -- Big Walnut Missionary Baptist Church is inviting everyone in the Reelsville area to the fourth annual Reelsville Area Block Party from 4-7 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 12.
Party-goers should bring their lawnchairs for free food, fun, fellowship, music and games for the entire family.
This is a family-friendly, community event for all friends and neighbors.
Ham and beans and all sorts of homemade delights will be served until 7 p.m. or the food runs out.
The party will take place at the Goad residence, 5531 W. CR 950 South, Reelsville. That is 2.5 miles south of U.S. 40, right across the road from Big Walnut Missionary Baptist Church. Follow the block party signs.