
More big shoes to fill

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Greencastle Community School Corporation has been fortunate these last three-plus years.

Following the tumult of the fall of 2012, the school board put a pair of veterans with steady hands in the corporation's two most visible positions.

With mid-year vacancies at superintendent and high school principal, the board turned to Dawn Puckett as interim superintendent and Russ Hesler as interim principal in December.

The board was wise enough during the spring semester to remove the interim tags, and things have gone along swimmingly with Puckett and Hesler at the helm.

All of this makes Puckett's retirement announcement this week a cause of concern in the community.

We can't help but ask, what's next?

It's a question the Greencastle community has been asking a lot in the last year.

The mayorship and DePauw presidency have also changed hands in recent months. Early returns indicate that Mayor Bill Dory and President Mark McCoy were good choices.

Now it's time to go three-for-three and the pressure is on the Greencastle School Board.

An argument can be made that the next superintendent will inherit an easier job than Puckett took over.

Unfortunately, it's not that simple.

If appointing Puckett was the most important recent decision by the school board, hiring her replacement will be a close second.

School board members did a great job three years ago. Now it's up to those five men and women to do it again.