Thoughts on rain-delayed late planting

Monday, May 29, 2017

Annoying, frustrating and irritating are a few of the words you could use to describe the rain the last few weeks.

For farmers, the rain has caused them numerous headaches, put them behind schedule, and potentially cost them money.

With that being said, here are a few helpful tidbits of information from Purdue Extension Specialist concerning late planting.

Crusting has been an issue for corn and soybeans as they try to emerge. The environmental conditions are also correct for seedling blight. Be on the lookout for both of these issues as you assess your fields and make decisions about replanting.

If you need to destroy a field in order to replant, please read and follow all label instructions if using a herbicide application. Please realize that some of the herbicides have a rather long plant back restriction making them a poor option when trying to replant this late in the season. Of course, tilling the field would be a non-herbicide option that might be more practical this late in the season.

For soybeans, we are still looking at the standard plant populations of 140-150 K for planters and 160-180 K for drills. It is recommended that for each week of June, seeding rates be increased by approximately 10 percent. The increased seeding rate will help with emergence and result in faster canopy closure. Later-planted soybeans will not have as many nodes as earlier planted beans; therefore, to compensate, you would want to increase the plant population.

Fields with green cover crops might have armyworms. Scout for armyworms when you kill your cover crop to see if you need to spray for armyworms. Armyworm feeding will feature notching of corn or wheat leaves. Currently, we are seeing high levels of black cutworm and armyworm moths in Indiana; however, the level has not reached a point to be considered as an economical infestation. Environmental conditions are also favorable for slugs.

For federal crop insurance, the latest planting date for corn is June 5 and for soybeans June 20, across the state. Crops planted after those dates will experience a reduction of benefits by 1 percent for each day. Prevented planting could become an issue in some locations. To know for sure how your individual policy works, we encourage farmers to talk to their crop insurance agent for specific details about their policy.

Optimum quality of first cutting of hay is getting past us when we consider getting the best nutritional and palpability out of our forages. Due to the advanced maturity there will be more lignification, so wise feeding of the hay is essential. Thus, it is important that you get your forages sampled, so you can balance your rations to supplement your forages. For assistance in getting your hay sampled, contact Purdue Extension – Putnam County.

The nutrient quality of late harvested hay is not the only item of concern. When harvesting windows are tight, it is important for growers to closely monitor hay in storage for signs of combustion. This typically takes place a month or so after harvest. Core temperatures in the 150 F degree range are a warning to get hay out of the storage facility.

Upcoming Events

June 1 – Sewing 4-H Workshop, Extension Office, 6:30 p.m.

June 6 – Putnam County Master Gardener educational program and meeting, Harris Hall, 6:30 p.m.

June 6 – Photography 4-H Workshop, Extension Office, 6:30 p.m.

June 6 – Wood Science/Craft 4-H Workshop, Steve Lien Shop, 6 p.m.

June 8 – Agronomic Plant Pathology 101 webinar, noon. Register at

June 8 – Fine Arts 4-H Workshop, York Automotive Building, Fairgrounds, 9 a.m.

June 8 – Public Speaking/Demo 4-H Workshop, York Automotive Building, Fairgrounds, 10 a.m.

June 13 – Electricity 4-H Workshop, Harris Hall, 9 a.m.-noon

June 13 – Cake Decorating 4-H Workshop, Harris Hall, 6-8 p.m.

June 15 – Genealogy 4-H Workshop, Extension Office, 6:30 p.m.

June 22 – Indiana Grown webinar, noon. Register at

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