Local planning team meets to discuss drinking water protection in Roachdale

Sunday, December 2, 2018

ROACHDALE -- The source of Roachdale’s drinking water is groundwater produced from wells located in the community. To help protect the underground aquifer and the water supply wells from potential contamination, the Town of Roachdale has developed a wellhead protection (WHP) plan, which has been approved by the Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM).

The local planning team (LPT) meets annually to update the plan and implement management strategies to protect Roachdale’s drinking water source. A complete copy of Roachdale’s WHP plan is available for public viewing at the Roachdale Town Hall, located at 205 N. Indiana St.

The LPT conducted an annual meeting Nov. 1 to discuss the Roachdale WHP Program, which focuses on public awareness, education, spill prevention and spill reporting. Educational information is available at the town hall. This year the LPT will focus on public education for potential contaminant sources located within WHP areas.

Roachdale continues to identify active, inactive and abandoned water wells. Water wells that become damaged or are no longer used are a potential conduit for surface contamination to reach the groundwater and contaminate underground drinking water sources. If you have a well on your property, contact Nick Miller, town superintendent, at 522-1532 so it can be added to a tracking database.

Tips to help protect your drinking water source include:

• Learn about groundwater and your water source and participate in watershed clean-up activities.

• Limit use of chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides and other hazardous products. Buy only what you need, reducing the amount to be later discarded. Be sure to follow label directions.

• Recycle used oil, automotive fluids, batteries and other chemical products. Do not dispose of these hazardous products in toilets, storm drains, wastewater systems, creeks, alleys or the ground. These actions pollute the water supply. Call 1-800-211-2750 or visit the West Central Solid Waste District at www.westcentralswd.com for more recycling information.

• Check your car, boat, motorcycle and other machinery for leaks and spills. Collect leaks with a drip pan until repairs can be made. Clean up spills by absorbing the spill. Do not rinse with water or allow it to soak into the ground.

• If you have a septic system, have it inspected and serviced every three years.

• Plug abandoned wells on your property as these old wells provide a direct route for surface contamination to reach ground water supplies. Contact a licensed well driller for assistance.

• Keep in mind that groundwater aquifers collect and store rainwater and snowmelt that soaks into the ground.

The Town of Roachdale believes that drinking water protection is the responsibility of all citizens. By assisting the town with its WHP efforts, residents and business can help ensure the people of Roachdale have a safe water supply now and in the future.

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