Recycle Christmas trees through end of January

Friday, December 28, 2018

Christmas “tree-cycling” is a way Putnam, Parke and Montgomery county residents can give back to the earth.

By recycling live trees, residents help divert landfill-bound Christmas trees to fish/wildlife habitats, erosion control and mulch for gardens, trees and walking paths.

Residents can recycle their live Christmas trees free of charge through the last weekend in January at the Greencastle or Crawfordsville yard waste sites, Lieber State Park or Raccoon Lake State Recreation Area.

Residents wanting trees collected at the Greencastle site (only) for their pond or lake or to stop erosion on their property are asked to call the district office at 800-211-2750. All other trees will be used by the park or communities affiliated with the collection site.

Residents are asked to remove all decorations and to not leave plastic bags or trash on site.

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