South Putnam School Board approves personnel report
The South Putnam School Board approved the following personnel report at its regular session Wednesday evening:
• Resignations: Dana Carr, Central Elementary special education teacher; Nicole Morison, MS/HS science teacher; Matthew Thoennes, MS/HS English teacher and MS/HS cross country coach and assistant boys’ track coach; Carlie Nichols, MS/HS instructional assistant; and Paula Hillard, part-time custodian,
• New hires: Jessie Laine, MS/HS science teacher; Lauren Clampitt, MS/HS special education teacher; and Lacy Cordell, Central Elementary part-time food server,
• Summer work: Amanda Dorsett, MS/HS office, and
• Transfer: Tona Gardner, from director of curriculum, instruction and technology integration to South Putnam Middle School assistant principal.