Preventing Abuse

Thursday, April 11, 2024
With April recognized nationally and locally as Child Abuse Prevention month, two-year-old Luna-Jayde Tomlinson plants a pinwheel on the Putnam County Courthouse lawn Wednesday morning. Planted by several community members, the pinwheel garden is meant to symbolize the hope that together, citizens can work to give every child in Putnam County a carefree childhood, free of abuse and neglect. Greencastle Mayor Lynda Dunbar also signed a proclamation recognizing Child Abuse Prevention Month locally, which will be featured in an upcoming edition of the Banner Graphic.

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  • Don't hesitate to make a report to DCS if you suspect or see signs of neglect and abuse. You can do this anonymously. You could possibly save a child's life. Our children are precious and should be in a safe home.

    -- Posted by Queen53 on Fri, Apr 12, 2024, at 10:23 AM
  • You can make all the calls you want, but when our county does nothing, people lose hope of protecting our children.

    -- Posted by Keepyaguessin on Sat, Apr 13, 2024, at 7:32 AM
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