Farm to Fork dinner set Sept. 21

Monday, September 2, 2024

The sixth-annual Farm to Fork scholarship dinner will be held on Saturday, Sept. 21 at the Putnam County Fairgrounds.

This drive-through event has raised more than $50,000 in scholarship dollars for Putnam County students. Cloverdale, Greencastle, North Putnam and South Putnam Dollars for Scholars Chapters organize the event.

The meal will feature pork from LT Meats and locally-produced vegetables. The meal is prepared by Myers Market.

Scholarships are awarded by each chapter to students who attend any post-secondary program. This includes a traditional bachelor’s degree, associate’s degree, certificate program or trade school program.

Many students depend on these dollars for help with their educational expenses. Last year these chapters awarded more than 85 scholarships to deserving students.

Reservations can be made at Myers Market, Bainbridge Dariette, First National Bank locations and online at, click on the Donate Now tab.

Businesses or people who are interested in being a sponsor can also donate on the website or send a check to Dollars for Scholars in Putnam County, P. O. Box 193, Bainbridge, IN 46105. Contributions are tax deductible.

The committee appreciates the continued support of guests and sponsors for the Farm to Fork dinner.

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  • That link does not work.

    -- Posted by HeyDere46135 on Mon, Sep 2, 2024, at 7:02 PM
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    -- Posted by vwhitaker11 on Tue, Sep 3, 2024, at 7:42 AM
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