Fillmore to change nuisance ordinance

Friday, December 3, 2010

FILLMORE -- In the coming months, the Fillmore Town Council plans to rework the town's nuisance ordinance. Town attorney Mary Russell recommended the move at Thursday's meeting after a nuisance complaint went to court earlier in the day.

The town has fielded a number of complaints against a motocross track north of Hendricks St. Neighbors said the noise and dust generated by the track on George Terry's land was affecting their quality of life.

After warning Terry to cease and desist, the town took the issue to court on Thursday, and it was ruled Terry would pay a fine. Although he paid the fine, both the Terries and several neighbors were at Thursday's meeting still discussing the issue.

Some heated moments between the neighbors were quelled by councilor Wes Terhune.

"This isn't a debate for everybody," Terhune said.

Russell went on to say that the winter months should leave the track silent, leaving time for the town to develop a more specific ordinance that's less open to interpretation.

"Hopefully by spring, we'll have a new ordinance and everybody will know what's what," Russell said.

Additionally, Terry said he is personally looking into ways to control the dust and noise so neighbors are less affected.

"We'll restrict our riding time; we'll do whatever we need to do," he said.

Town Marshall Darrel Bunten reported to the council that two in-car cameras have been ordered by the prosecutor's office on behalf of Fillmore. The units cost approximately $4,000 each, and will be paid for with forfeiture funds.

Bunten also encouraged the council to look into getting a centerline painted on Main St. from Old Right Of Way Rd. to the town limit

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  • quality of life in filthmore, u got to be kidding, junk cars, filthy yards n houses, abadoned carney rides.though u still can hunt in city limits......

    -- Posted by tru story on Fri, Dec 3, 2010, at 9:18 AM
  • @UMad: That same 2 mile stretch is where the track is. Those who give the town a bad name are the same ones complaining. If this dump of a town decided to clean up, I could support them in their complaints, but not the way things stand.

    -- Posted by Clovertucky on Fri, Dec 3, 2010, at 11:36 AM
  • I grew up there in the sixties and am saddened by what has happened to Fillmore in the last 40 years. I used to think it was a nice little town but I can't say that any more.

    -- Posted by Georgianow on Fri, Dec 3, 2010, at 11:36 AM
  • I live in Greencastle but I can sure understand what the residents of Fillmore are going through. A person moves into town with the expection of a quality lifestyle and they have right to receive just that. When your neighbor is tearing up the neighborhood with dirt bikes or 4 wheelers it is simply WRONG. I have live at my home for 30 plus years and it was a quite and pleasent place to live but we have had trouble recently with 4 wheelers tearing around the streets and yards as well. Another thing that is getting bad in Greencastle is the BARKING DOGS!!! There is no chance I would let any dog of mine stand there and bark hour after hour. I do believe that what someone does on their own property is their business but somethings like noise doesn't stop at the property line. Yes I agree there will be noise that just happens but I'm refering to avoidable noise that interrupts ones quality of life. The city should not wait to enforce a noise ordinance but should step in NOW in Fillmore and Greencastle as well!

    -- Posted by Trying hard on Fri, Dec 3, 2010, at 2:20 PM
  • The thing that gets me is the people complaining about the noise and dust are the same ones who have chickens, and farm animals inside town limits.

    And if people wanted to really help Fillmore and its quality of life they should start with the roads and drainage (or lack thereof).

    Water just flows down the street and carries trash from other peoples houses into peoples driveways and front yards. If we are paying extra money on the sewer bills when it rains because our government had some idiot do the tie in with Greencastle, then those funds should go to helping repair FIllmore. Instead of paying the debt of people who use to live in Fillmore and didnt pay their bills, becaue once again, Lack of responsibility by the Government.

    -- Posted by H.A.C.K. on Fri, Dec 3, 2010, at 11:29 PM
  • Fillmore.... what a place ide like to live.

    -- Posted by stubbys on Tue, Dec 7, 2010, at 10:02 PM
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