Greencastle Youth Baseball raffle fundraiser

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Greencastle Youth Baseball is conducting a raffle for its 2013 fundraiser. Tickets are available for $1 each, and the drawing will take place on Saturday, May 18 at Big Walnut Sports Park.

Tickets are available from any baseball player or at the concession stand anytime between now and the day of the drawing. Entrants need not be present to win.

The team that sells the most wins a pizza party.

Some of the prizes include passes to Kings Island, Holiday World and the Indianapolis Zoo; donations from the Indianapolis Colts, Indianapolis Indians and other sports teams; and lots of other prizes donated by local and regional businesses.

For any questions or to buy tickets, contact Tom Hamilton at 720-2361 or Montica Pingleton at 317-694-9913.

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