Cloverdale golfers pick up three wins in two-day span

Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Cloverdale's Devin Bassett hits a shot from the tee in a match earlier this year. Bassett shot a career-best round on Monday. (Banner Graphic/GRANT WIEMAN)

The Cloverdale boys' golf team swept a three-team match on Monday and followed it with a dual-match win on Tuesday.

The Clovers (11-6) topped West Central Conference opponents Cascade and South Putnam on Monday, 171-187-188, then beat Turkey Run on Tuesday 182-226.

CHS coach Doug Wokoun said he was pleased his team came back from last week's county and conference tournaments with good play on Monday.

"Historically, this has been a problem match for us," Wokoun said. "But I was pleased that our guys didn't suffer the let-down that we have had in the past. We are starting to find a consistency that is the hallmark of a good team, and our guys are having fun right now."

Devin Bassett was medalist for the Clovers on Monday, shooting a 41 that topped the field.

"Devin had a very good round--his personal best in match play--and had made wonderful progress over the last two weeks," Wokoun said. "He has become a more consistent ball-striker, which has built his confidence, and his score has fallen as a consequence."

Also scoring for CHS were Rylan Mattocks (43), Aaron Whitlock (43), Freddy Fislar (44), Kylar Galloway (44) and Chase Snyder (50).

"Rylan and Aaron played pretty solid rounds, with both having one hole preventing a really good score," Wokoun said. "Freddy got off to a good start, but ran into some trouble at the end of the round and Kylar had a pretty good outing, a definite improvement from him.

"Chase had an off night, but I am sure that is only a momentary blip in an otherwise very good freshman season."

South Putnam's best scorer was Justin Berry, who shot a 43. Derek Chestnut (44), Jimmy Rutter (49), Austin Query (52) and Chad Menke (59) also contributed.

Cascade's best scorer was Justin Franchville, who shot a 44.

On Tuesday Wokoun said he was disappointed with the performance, despite getting a win.

"We took a step back in this match," he said. "We didn't play as well as we have been, which was a disappointment. However, this is the type of let down I expected last night, so in the scheme of things I this is just a small blip."

Mattocks was the best scorer for the Clovers on Tuesday, shooting a 41. Gassoway (46), Fislar (47), Whitlock (48), Bassett (51) and Snyder (50) followed.

"Rylan shot a good score, but left some opportunities on the course," Wokoun said. "Kylar Galloway, our six, played a consistent round and performed about how he has over the last two weeks. Otherwise, we struggled.

"We have to rededicate ourselves to the work ethic we have had through the season and make every effort to finish strong."

Cloverdale travels to Martinsville on Thursday.

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