Letter to the Editor

Girl Scouts give back especially during the holidays

Thursday, December 19, 2013

To the Editor:

During the holiday season Girl Scouts give back to the community by coming up with creative ways to support charitable causes. Many troops perform service activities that benefit animals like volunteering at animal shelters. Some have made blankets for children undergoing chemotherapy, read to them in the hospital, and spent time to help them enjoy the holidays despite their circumstances.

Troops also love to spend time with the elderly during the holidays. The girls make gloves, hats and blankets for people who are in nursing homes and can't be with their families.The patients light up with happiness and enjoy the company of the girls. Some have commented about, "what a wonderful day it was and how much fun the girls were." The seniors cherish their gifts for years to come.

The holidays are a wonderful time to be a Girl Scout - to feel the joy of giving and show that Girl Scouts is all about being leaders and giving to others.

For more information about Girl Scouts, visit girlscoutsindiana.org or call 855-GSCIN-4U.


Donna Polky

Regional Membership Director