50 Years of Service

Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Reelsville Volunteer Fire Department recently honored Roy Haddon for his 50 years of service to the department. Haddon's career started in January 1964, and continues faithfully to this day at the age of 77. Haddon is currently a firefighter/EMT and has held various positions within the department, including fire chief during his 50 years of service. During the ceremony, Haddon received a certificate of appreciation from Rep Jim Baird (left), a medal and certificate from the State Fire Marshall's Office, his 50-year pin and gold card from the Indiana Volunteer Firefighter's Association (IVFA) and certificates and a clock from the Fire Department.

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  • They don't make men like him anymore. Married over 50 years, heavy equipment operator over 50 years, and has dedicated his life to helping others, gets up early and still works harder than most will ever even think about. You're a better person just for having known Roy Haddon. I can only hope to accomplish a short list of things he has. Thanks papaw.

    -- Posted by JustinH on Tue, Jan 28, 2014, at 1:23 PM
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