Area 30 culinary arts students selling pies as fundraiser

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Culinary Arts class of Mary Anne Birt at Area 30 Career Center in Greencastle is selling Gardner Pies as a fundraising project.

Pie orders will be taken until Friday, Oct. 31 with pick-up and delivery set for Tuesday, Nov. 4.

Three varieties are available -- pineapple upside down pie, strawberry rhubarb and Southern pecan pie.

The cost is $12 per pie. Proceeds will go to support the Culinary Arts Program at Area 30, which last year won the state competition and sent a team of students to the national finals in Minneapolis.

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  • Too bad there is no information to place the orders. :o(.

    -- Posted by Hazel on Wed, Oct 22, 2014, at 10:31 AM
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