Income survey being sent to local residents for fire station grant

Sunday, March 8, 2015

The City of Greencastle is attempting to qualify for a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) through the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs (IOCRA), and currently is seeking grant funding to complete a Fire Station Improvements Project to be able to complete future infrastructure improvements with possible grant dollars.

The CDBG Program is a federally funded grant program intended to benefit a majority of low- to moderate-income persons with various community development public assistance projects such as planning studies, improvements to community centers,

fire stations, wastewater, water, roads, bridges, etc.

To receive the federally funded grant dollars, a special income survey must be completed.

If anyone receives an income survey in the mail from the City of Greencastle/Kristy Jerrell of Jerrell Consulting and Grant Administration Services, it means they have been randomly selected to participate in this important process.

It is vital that the survey be completed fully and returned in the self-addressed, stamped envelope as soon as possible.

The city will officially be applying for the $400,000 grant on April 24 if the income survey qualifies the fire service area of the City of Greencastle/Greencastle Fire Department to apply for the grant.

The income survey has to be completed now in order to apply on April 24. The grant will be awarded and announced July 10.

Persons may contact Kristy Jerrell, the project grant administrator, at 812-878-0826 with any questions regarding the project or the income survey.

The grant program is funded with Federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) dollars from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The goal is to encourage communities to plan for long-term community development.

The grant is awarded and administered by the Indiana Lt. Governor's Office.

All planning projects must benefit at least 51 percent low- to moderate-income individuals (but with a new range of error on the calculations of the income survey, applicants must be around 56 percent LMI to qualify to apply for IOCRA grants).

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