GMS music students earn gold ratings at ISSMA competition

Thursday, April 16, 2015

On Friday and Saturday, April 10 and 11, Greencastle Middle School instrumental and vocal students competed in the Indiana State School Music Association (ISSMA) organizational competition at Cloverdale High School.

The students spent many hours preparing three pieces and performed before three highly qualified judges.

There are five different groups that an ensemble could enter in from Group V (easier music) to Group I (very difficult). Each ensemble is graded in several different categories including intonation, tone quality, note and rhythm accuracy, interpretation, dynamics, and musicianship. Points are awarded and final ratings given from gold to participation.

The sixth-grade band performed Friday evening in Division V, playing "Splashdown," "Reign" and "Presto." It received three gold ratings from the judges.

The seventh- and eighth-grade band also performed on Friday in Division III. It also received three gold ratings from the judges for a program including "The Capitol March," "Pegasus" and "River of Dreams."

The GMS bands and choirs are directed by Kathryn Dory with help from Geoff Price, Robert Hedge and accompanist Lori Miller.

"Due to class scheduling, the seventh- and eighth-grade bands were able to rehearse together only four times prior to the competition," Dory noted. "We are proud of the hard work of the students to pull the two bands together for an outstanding performance."

The sixth-grade choir performed Saturday afternoon in Division V, receiving three gold ratings from the judges. Its program consisted of "Grandfather's Clock," "Who Can Sail?" and "Charlotte-Town."

The seventh- and eighth-grade choir performed in Division III on Saturday, receiving three gold ratings from the judges for its performance of "I Am Being Woven," "Coming Home" and "The Tiger."

"The seventh- and eighth-grade choirs were able to rehearse together a total of five times prior to competition," Dory added. "Likewise, we are also proud of the choir students for their hard work prior to their outstanding performance."

As young musicians, students learn the importance of teamwork, practice and work ethic in their development of musical skills and their work to perform for the public and in competition.

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