Putnam Master Gardeners receive new certification levels

Monday, December 18, 2017
Putnam County Master Gardeners receiving new certifications are (back, from left) Brenda Freeman, Jason Keeney, Meredith Bee, Nan Girk, Nathan Edwards, Karen Martoglio, Ginny Jones and Dale Cantonwine and (front, from left) Jamie Jones, Donna Wilson, Esther Hurst and Cyndi Blocher.
Courtesy photo

Purdue Master Gardener volunteers have contributed significantly to the lives of Indiana residents and local communities each year.

In 2017, the Putnam County Master Gardeners volunteered more than 2,018 hours in Putnam County by hosting horticulture-related events, working at the Putnam County Fair, and working with local schools to help a high school senior receive a scholarship from the organization. During the December Putnam County Master Gardener Association meeting, several local residents received a new Master Gardener certification.

To earn Purdue Master Gardener certification, volunteers must complete horticultural training conducted by Purdue Extension county offices and engage in volunteer service that has been approved by Master Gardener county coordinators and performed in Indiana communities.

Receiving Master Gardener certification for 35 cumulative volunteer hours and 45 cumulative education hours was Jason Keeney.

Those receiving their Advanced Master Gardener certification for 60 cumulative volunteer hours and 45 cumulative education hours were David Burgess, Denise Burgess, Nathan Edwards, Jamie Jones and Donna Wilson.

Those receiving their Advanced Bronze Master Gardener certification for 200 cumulative volunteer hours and 60 cumulative education hours were Brenda Freeman, Esther Hurst and Damaris Zehner.

Those receiving their Advanced Silver Master Gardener certification for 500 cumulative volunteer hours and 75 cumulative education hours were Meredith Bee, Nan Girk and Karen Martoglio.

Those receiving their Advanced Gold 1,000 Master Gardener certificate for 1,000 cumulative volunteer hours and 100 cumulative education hours were Cyndi Blocher and Ginny Jones.

Receiving his Advanced Gold 2,000 Master Gardener certificate for 2,000 cumulative volunteer hours and 200 cumulative education hours was Dale Cantonwine.

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