DHPA hosting annual historic photo contest

Friday, January 4, 2019

The Indiana Division of Historic Preservation & Archaeology (DHPA) is asking the public for photos for its annual Historic Preservation Month photo contest.

Bridgeton covered bridge

DHPA works to preserve buildings and the built environment, and is looking for photos to celebrate that effort. Specifically the division is photos of something that has been preserved, is in the process of being preserved, or desperately needs to be preserved.

The subject in the photo must be in Indiana and at least 50 years old. The image must show something that was designed and/or built.

Send an 8x10 inch matted image, along with the registration form by April 5. The link for the registration form is below.

Photographs can be color or black and white, and there is a separate category for digitally enhanced photos.

The basic requirements are:

-- Images must be 8x10 inch prints, mounted or matted on or with a white 11x14 matte board.

-- The registration form must be attached to each photo.

For a complete list of guidelines and the registration form, go to dnr.IN.gov/historic/3994.htm.

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