Stop. Don’t Touch. Tell a Grown-Up.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Having learned some important lessons in gun safety recently, children at Round Barn Daycare are administered an oath by Sheriff Scott Stockton recently. Having watched an Eddie Eagle video on gun safety, the children learned that if they find a gun they should “Stop. Don’t touch. Tell a grown-up.”
Banner Graphic/Jared Jernagan

To show they have completed the training, all of the kids were issued a coin as a reminder, including Ben Bekkering, who receives a coin from jail matron Vova Johnson as teacher Jennifer Wilson smiles her approval.
Banner Graphic/Jared Jernagan
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    Kudos to all involved in this.

    Teaching proper gun safety is a vital part of protecting our kids, and the Eddie Eagle program is a great way to teach it.

    -- Posted by dreadpirateroberts on Wed, Jul 24, 2019, at 8:23 AM
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