City Parks Dept. announces programs for January

Monday, December 30, 2019

The Greencastle Parks and Recreation Department has announced a variety of programs for January.

During the months of January and February residents can have fun building a snowman, snow sculpture or snow creature and submitting a photo to be judged by the Park Board in March.

Enter as an individual, family or group. Categories are Best Snowman, Best Snow Creature and Best Snow Sculpture (anything but the other two categories).

Entry period continues through March 1 and awards will be presented at the Park Boad meeting on Thursday, March 6 at 7:30 p.m. at Greencastle City Hall.

Interested persons are also invited to join park personnel for the Lego Brick-Mania Birthday bash on Sunday, Jan. 26 from 1-5 p.m.

The Lego building block was born on Jan. 28, 1958. So, the Parks Department is throwing a birthday party in recognition of that date and helping the Putnam County Emergency Food Pantry, too.

Participants can enjoy amazing creations and displays from the brick artists of the Indiana Lego users group (IndyLUG), and collections from some local Lego fans.

Sponsors include the Putnam County Museum, DePauw University Bonner Scholar Program, Humphrey’s Outdoor Power, HWC Engineering, WREB 94.3 FM, Big Bounce Fun House Rentals, Wasser Brewing Co., IndyLUG and Brickworld-Indy.

Ground Hog Day is right around the corner. So, on Friday, Jan. 31 from 10-11:30 a.m. the Parks Department will be are calling on all preschoolers to learn about Punxsutawney Phil.

Why does it matter if he can see his shadow? Join the Greencastle Parks Department at the Putnam County Museum to find out. In preparation for the Feb. 2 observance, a brief history of the holiday will be provided along with stories, games and crafts. Treats and drinks will be provided.

Sign up for all the park programs on the website under the programs tab.

For more information or to sign up you can go to: or contact the Assistant Director Chrysta Snellenberger at 653-3395.

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