Gobin UMC awards small community grant to Tzouanakis Tiger Pack program

Monday, December 30, 2019
Accepting a community small grant for Tzouanakis Intermediate School’s Tiger Pack program are (from left) Assistant Principal Katherine Asbell, Principal Jen Rhoades and counselor Jamey Landry. Presenting the check from Gobin UMC are Barb Rice, Peg Rose (with toddler Maggie) and Pastor Bryan Langdoc.
Courtesy photo

Gobin Memorial United Methodist Church recently awarded its latest small community grant of $1,000 to Tzouanakis Intermediate School’s Tiger Pack program.

The mission of the Tiger Pack program is to serve Tzouanakis families who are known to be food-insecure. Every Friday, food is sent home with students in need to help get them through the weekend. These food bags are packed after school on Thursday afternoons by teacher volunteers.

The Tiger Pack program is funded solely by the donations from local churches and individuals. For more information or to donate, contact Jamey Landry at 653-4700, ext. 434, or by email at jlandry@greencastle.k12.in.us.

Gobin’s small grants program awards up to $1,000 quarterly to support local mission and service projects. Its goal is to maintain and grow projects that provide hope and support to individuals struggling with personal, spiritual, emotional or economic issues.

Local organizations interested in applying for a future small community grant from Gobin UMC can visit www.gobinumc.org/community-small-grants. The deadline for the next grant is Jan. 15.

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