Empower yourself to be clutter-free

Monday, September 28, 2020

Are you bogged down and overwhelmed by the possessions in your life? Do you wish someone would come along and declutter and organize your stuff because you don’t have the energy to make all those decisions?

Getting rid of clutter is a physical and emotional task. For many people it requires the proper alignment of stars and equipment in order to delve into a bout of organizing and decluttering.

Let’s see: You will need the right frame of mind, markers, tape, trash bags, boxes, organizer units and energy. If you are waiting for all of these things to happen before you begin to declutter your space, then you have found yet another reason to avoid the task.

Decluttering is a good thing. Dealing with your own clutter may seem like an overwhelming task; but in the end, creating order in your living space will bring some order to your emotional struggle over what to do with things.

Come empower yourself to be clutter-free on Monday, Oct. 12 at 11:30 a.m. on Zoom. Abbi Sampson and Purdue Extension will be offering a one-hour webinar “Empower Me to be Clutter-Free.” You can bring your lunch and learn steps to begin to eliminate clutter at home and work.

If you are interested in participating or want more information, contact Sampson at sampsona@purdue.edu or call the Putnam Extension office at 653-8411. You must register beforehand at https://tinyurl.com/clutterfreewebinar.

Visit www.extension.purdue.edu/putnam or contact the local Purdue Extension Office at 653-8411 for more information regarding this week’s column topic or to RSVP for upcoming events.

Upcoming Events:

Oct. 5 – Virtual Master Gardener Roundtable, 6:30–8 p.m.; register at: https://tinyurl.com/MGRT2020

Oct. 12 – “Empower Me to be Clutter-Free,” 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; register at: https://tinyurl.com/clutterfreewebinar

Oct. 20 – Morning Ag Mixer, 9 a.m.; join at: http://bit.ly/MorningAgMixer

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