Letter to the Editor

LETTER: Rules of the road apply — even on pathways

Monday, January 24, 2022

To the Editor:

Twice this week, while walking on our trails, I have had a bike rider come up from behind and yell a warning, which they should. They each stated “Passing on the right.” I was walking on the right side of the trail each time, and they had me, a walker, move out of their way.

That didn’t seem correct, so after doing a little research, I believe the proper method for a cyclist to pass is on the left and to state their intentions that way.

Makes sense to me. I am retired Navy and as I recall, the rules of the road for boating state that the vessel being overtaken, or passed, doesn’t move out of the way, but should maintain its course and speed, and that the overtaking vessel passes on the left. This helps to avoid collisions. That logic also makes sense on a trail.

Just some comments because I don’t want to keep having to jump to my left when out for a walk.

Gary Bowser
