North Putnam School Board approves new Covid protocols

Thursday, January 27, 2022

BAINBRIDGE — The North Putnam School Board voted to adjust COVID-19 protocols throughout the corporation to better align itself with current recommendations from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

In a special meeting held Tuesday, a resolution was introduced to change the contact and quarantine procedures from the 10-day isolation and testing practices in favor of the CDC recommended five-day isolation and testing guidelines, matching other school districts throughout the county.

Furthermore, masks will be required at all times while Putnam County is in “the red” as reflected in the Indiana State Deparment of Health metrics on

The resolution was ultimately approved, though not without initial dissent from half of the board members.

The current protocols made effective Tuesday night are as follows:

If positive for COVID-19 regardless of vaccination status:

• Stay home for five calendar days.

• If you have no symptoms or symptoms are resolving you may return to school.

• Must continue to wear a mask around others for five additional calendar days (Days 6-10).

• Failure to comply with masking guidelines will result in being sent home until Day 11.

• If you have a fever continue to stay home until your fever resolves for 24 hours without medicine .

Exposure procedures

• If you have completed the primary series of either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines six or more months ago and are not boosted; OR

• Completed the Johnson & Johnson vaccine two or more months ago and are not boosted;


•Are not vaccinated


• You are to stay home for five calendar days.

•After five days you may return but are required to wear a mask for five additional calendar days (Days 6-10).

• A test on Day 5 is recommended.

• Failure to comply with wearing a mask around others after returning to school on Days 6-10 will result in being sent home until Day 11 unless test result is negative (cannot be at-home test).

• If you develop symptoms, get tested and stay home following the above procedures.

If Vaccinated:

• If you have completed the primary series of either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines within the last six months; OR

• Completed the Johnson & Johnson vaccine within the last two months; OR

• Are boosted.


• You must wear a mask for 10 calendar days while around others.

• A test on Day 5 is recommended.

•Failure to comply with wearing a mask around others will result in being sent home until Day 11 unless test result is negative (cannot be at-home test).

• If you develop symptoms, stay home and get tested.

Teachers criticizing the resolution said the new procedures fail to make the health and safety of students and staff a priority and urged the board members to vote against the proposed changes to the COVID-19 protocols.

There were also questions regarding whether or not the new policy would violate the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).

North Putnam School Corporation is in the difficult position of having to fill classroom vacancies from a shrinking pool of substitute teachers in addition to figuring out how to make up for educational deficits incurred by students over the last two years.

Board members supporting the changes argued the new procedures mirror current federal, state and local safety practices and prioritizes keeping students and staff in school.

Ultimately, the resolution passed with support from all six members present — Mark Hoke, Joanie Knapp, Travis Lambermont, Rachel Mandeville, Eric Oliver and Ron Spencer.

Amber Greene was not present.

The corporation subsequently announced another special meeting for 6 p.m. Friday as a “clarification of back to school plan.” The meeting will take place in the large group instruction room of North Putnam High School.

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