Trust Patron for 2022

Thursday, March 24, 2022
Mary Allison Children’s Trust secretary Donna Houser (second from left) presents Trust President Jeff Kiger and the Board of Directors a check in the amount of $2,000 for 2022 Trust Patron status. As a previous employee of Duke Energy she is rewarded with a check each year for her volunteers hours to the Trust. “We are grateful for Donna and her dedication to the board and the children as well as Duke Energy for recognizing her efforts by assisting the Trust,” President Kiger said. For more information on how to become a Trust Patron, call 655-2333, email or contact any board member. Joining Houser and Kiger for the donation ceremony are board members Anthony Wireman (left) and Matt Headley (fourth from left), along with Vice President Lucy Wieland and board member Jim Staggers. Not pictured are Treasurer Ginger Scott and board member Darren Hughes.
Courtesy photo

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