‘Clue: Onstage’ at Putnam County Playhouse

Monday, July 4, 2022
Color me uneasy. Displaying various murder weapons of choice, the classic characters of beloved board game Clue prepare for the upcoming production of “Clue: Onstage” at Putnam County Playhouse. Among the main suspects in the murder of Mr. Boddy are Col. Mustard (Ric McFadden), Miss Scarlett (Courtney Smith), Mr. Green (Brad Sandy), Mrs. Peacock (Lita Sandy), Professor Plum (Daniel Hankee) and Mrs. White (Anna Harris). The production will run July 7-9 and July 13-16 at Hazel Day Longden Theatre. Tickets are available Monday through Saturday on performance weeks by calling 653-5660 from 5-7 p.m.

The 61st season of the Putnam County Playhouse continues with a production of the mystery/comedy “Clue: Onstage.”

It will be produced July 7-9 and July 13-16. All performances are at 8 p.m. and all tickets are $10.

Reservations may be made by calling the box office at 653-5880 from 5-7 p.m. Monday through Saturday during performance weeks only. Tickets and reservations are available only through the box office.

“Clue: Onstage” brings all of the familiar board game characters to life. Director Shelly McFadden and her assistant Vickie Parker have assembled a cast of PCPH veterans and newcomers to solve the case of the murder of Mr. Boddy (William Dory).

The lively cast includes Dustin Bond as Wadsworth, the Butler. Characters matching the game tokens are Brad Sandy (Mr. Green), Daniel Hankee (Professor Plum), Anna Harris (Mrs. White), Courtney Slough (Miss Scarlett), Ric McFadden (Col. Mustard) and Lita Sandy (Mrs. Peacock).

Each of them spend time under investigation and questioning as Wadsworth tries to solve the mystery under pressure from the local police and various surprise vistors.

Others at home in Boddy Manor include Tatum Boswell (The Cook) and Kyla Scheuermann (Yvette).

Playing multiple roles are Sam Draper, Cameron Wunderlich and Jack Randall Earles. There is even a mystery guest who makes a brief appearance.

Ben South is the sound board operator and Grace Elmore will run the light board. Wunderlich is production stage manager.

On the active stage crew are Parker Helmer, Bart Jones, Rebecca Hebb, Emily Gray, and Henry Cox. The keyboard player is Morgan Asher.

While they may not share their names with one of the game pieces of the classic board game, Mr. Boddy (William Dory), The Cook (Tatum Boswell), Yvette (Kyla Scheuermann and Wadsworth (Dustin Bond) have their own games to play as the plot unfolds in “Clue: Onstage,” which comes to the Putnam County Playhouse stage beginning July 7.

The sponsor of this production is Bittles and Hurt and Hopkins-Rector funeral homes.

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