Free to Move

Monday, July 4, 2022
As the U.S.A. pauses for a day to celebrate its freedom, Celebrate 4, the annual July 4 celebration at Robe-Ann Park in Greencastle, had a lot to do with freedom of movement, including some young runners leading the charge at the start of the Mike Rokicki Memorial 5K — though they would give way to overall winner Drew Brattain (far left).
Banner Graphic/BRAND SELVIA

Shortly thereafter, Mayor Bill Dory joins Mary Birt and the rest of the REFIT crew for a bit of dancing.
Courtesy photo/JILL DOMBROWSKI
Later, as the park begins to fill for the fireworks presentation, the Green Cool Cucumbers entertain the crowd from the bandshell, as several teams vie for supremacy in the cornhole tournament (below).
When dusk finally arrived shortly before 10 p.m., the crowds weren't simply at the park, but anywhere with a good sight line to the skies over Robe-Ann Park, including the parking lots of Greencastle High School and Greencastle Middle School and various parking lots and backyards around the city.
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