Amber Henigin named Miss Indiana Teen Agriculture USA for 2023

Monday, August 29, 2022

A Putnam County teenager has been named the 2023 Indiana Teen Miss Agriculture USA.

Amber Henigin of Greencastle was recently selected for the 2023 honor.

The 15-year-old daughter of Duane and Jeanine Henigin of Greencastle, Amber attends South Putnam High School.

Her agricultural interests include horse training, sustainable agriculture and FFA.

Amber will be competing at the National Miss Agriculture USA Competition in June 2023 in Ohio.

Miss Agriculture USA is a national nonprofit organization that focuses on positively promoting agriculture featuring queens of all ages that promote, celebrate and educate about all the diverse aspects of agriculture.

Groups and organizations that would like Amber to make an appearance at their event may contact

For more information about the Miss Agriculture USA organization visit

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