Sustainability award nominations sought

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Once again it is time to recognize Putnam County citizens, organizations and businesses for protecting the environment.

The Greencastle Commission on Sustainability is seeking nominations for awards that will be presented prior to the Greencastle City Council meeting in November.

The categories are Business of the Year, Best Practices of the Year, Outstanding Citizen of the Year and Youth Leader of the Year.

The awards are open to any citizen, business or organization that has demonstrated outstanding efforts to improve the environment.

Last year the Commission on Sustainability honored Francis Washburn, the Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP), Diane Borse and Putnam County Hospital for their efforts to make Greencastle and Putnam County a more environmentally friendly community.

Examples of environmentally-friendly programs and projects include reducing lawn chemical use, pollution prevention, recycling and purchasing green. Others might be emissions reductions, generation or purchase of alternative energy, energy and water conservation measures. Tree planting and management, stream monitoring and restoration programs and environmental education will also be considered.

Nominations should include the name of the nominee, address and phone number and a brief (two paragraphs) about the nominee’s actions.

Nominations can be submitted to the Greencastle City Hall through Oct. 18 or email:

The Greencastle Commission on Sustainability was established in 2009 to “enhance the socio-environmental-economic well-being of the community while taking precautions not to compromise the quality of life of future generations.”

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