Firefighters tackle dual shed-camper fire Sunday

Sunday, October 23, 2022
A firefighter goes after a blaze that occurred at a property on County Road 375 South in Madison Township Sunday. Both a shed and a camper were involved.
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Firefighters from multiple departments were called out to a blaze in Madison Township involving a shed and a camper Sunday afternoon.

The Madison Township Volunteer Fire Department dropped a box alarm at about 4:30 p.m. after it was called out to 5928 W. CR 375 South for the shed being on fire. A unit that came from the Reelsville Volunteer Fire Department then advised that the camper next to it had also caught.

With the Greencastle Fire Department arriving with one, Madison Township Fire brought an engine as well as a tanker. Meanwhile, Reelsville VFD, the Cloverdale Township Volunteer Fire Department and the Putnamville Correctional Facility came with tankers. The Clinton Township Volunteer Fire Department was en route but disregarded.

Madison Township Fire Chief Lee Price said lawnmowers which likely had fuel in them caught, while LP tanks attached to the camper also exploded. The fire from the camper reached up to 30-feet high, as evidenced by a tree near it that was burned.

As such, Madison Township Fire and Greencastle Fire spread lines to get at the fire, while the tankers were hooked to their engines to supply the water.

“It was strictly defensive,” Price said about handling the fire. The overall goal was to protect the surrounding buildings and other equipment with the wind blowing as it was.

Crews work to put out the remaining hot spots as the fire is contained. The fire spread after hay inside the shed caught with a lawnmower not being cool after use.
Banner Graphic/BRAND SELVIA

Price said the blaze started after the homeowners had finished mowing the yard and put the lawnmower in the shed while it was still hot. Hay which was also inside then ignited, after which the fire spread.

Firefighters also extinguished a small fire in the woods directly across from the main scene, as well as another about 30 yards away, which were due to hot embers scattering. Madison Township Fire used its rescue truck for the latter.

The fire was considered completely out by 6:15 p.m. Units were beginning to be released a short time prior.

Without knowing the condition of the camper prior to the fire but accounting for the scene and the contents as a whole, Price estimated damages at $5-$10,000.

Two firefighters were checked out by Putnam County EMS after becoming overheated. No injuries otherwise were reported.

According to Putnam County GIS, the property where the fire occurred is listed to Vernon and Ruby Perry.

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