Franklin-Jackson Street Crash

Wednesday, December 14, 2022
Greencastle firefighters assist law enforcement at the intersection of Franklin and Jackson streets after a crash involving a city police vehicle at about 3 p.m. Wednesday. It appeared that the white Ford Focus was turning southbound onto Jackson Street when it collided as the police vehicle, driven by Det. Michael Collins, was traveling northbound. While Collins was unhurt, the driver of the Focus incurred minor injuries and was checked out by Putnam County EMS. Adams Towing and Seniour’s Towing retrieved the vehicles. The incident is being handled by Sgt. Riley Houghton of the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office.
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  • That intersection should be no left turn from Franklin to Jackson. With cars (or large trucks) parked on Jackson along the courthouse, you can’t see cars turning from Washington to Jackson until it’s too late.

    -- Posted by The Crusty Curmudgeon on Wed, Dec 14, 2022, at 7:19 PM
  • Should also be no left turn from shadowlawn onto south jackson also. Right there at the tracks, you can literally sit forever. Maybe if Mr. Murray were to have to sit and wait, it would get changed.

    -- Posted by Keepyaguessin on Thu, Dec 15, 2022, at 8:54 AM
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